Songistic 2.0 IS HERE!

HUGE UPDATE just released! Update your app to get the latest goodies what we have to offer for you. Do not have Songistic yet? Download it for 100% FREE!

What’s new:

  • Free (ad supported) or ad-free (licensed): You can use Songistic free with ads (internet connection required) and still enjoy all features without having to buy anything. If you buy a yearly subscription (price unchanged) the app will be ad-free and will work full-featured offline.

  • Textual comments: Added the ability to intermix comments in the charts (mainly for educational purposes). Importing songs from other apps that have comments will preserve the comments.

  • Lyrics support: In edit mode you can add lyrics to the bars. The lyrics will stay with the bar regardless of what display configuration is in use, lyrics will always appear under the bar, expanding to multiple lines if necessary. The reader of the chart can decide how the lyrics and the chords will appear using the “View/Lyrics options” menu.

  • Library Playlists Manager: You can pick and choose which Songistic-provided playlist you want to have installed in the app. Just click the “Manage List” icon in the Library section header and pick and choose from the list. As always, updates to installed Library playlists will be automatic. Playlists will be added continuously to the Library, so it is worth checking the list regularly.

  • Midi Exporting: When exporting midi, the drum part is separated out, each instrument (like hh, bd, sstick) get their separate midi track.