1. All Songs and Recent Songs (generated)
2. Packages (provided by Songistic)
3. My Playlists (editable)
1. All Songs and Recent Songs:
These are generated playlists. Use All Songs to find any version of any song that is in Songistic in any package or playlist. Recent Songs shows you your recently viewed songs. This section will not collapse.
2. Packages:
These packages of songs are provided by Songistic. These are checked and approved chord sheet, they will automatically add when you download Songistic. We regularly update our packages, new songs are automatically downloaded when you use Songistic. You are free to use these charts any way you like, such as view, play copy, share, export, etc. Songs in the Packages Section cannot be edited, however, you can make copies of these songs under the ‘My Playlists’ section and edit, duplicate, adjust them the way you want.
3. My Playlists:
This where you put your own songs and your editable versions of existing songs. You may create/delete/edit as many playlists as you want in this section and drag & drop songs from packages or other playlists to make playlists of them here.
Click here to add your own text
Important: remember, you can only edit playlists under the ‘My Playlists’ section. Packages instead come preinstalled and fixed, but you can drag any songs into My Playlists section, then you can edit them there.